23 January 2008

How To Change The Drive Icon And Drive Label For Windows XP/2000

1. Click Start > Click Run > type “regedit” to run Registry Editor
2. Find following:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer
3. Create a new Key and name “DriveIcons”
4. Under DriveIcons create a new Key with the drive letter ( for example C ),
within drive letter create a new key and name “DefaultIcon”.
5. Give the default value , the icon you want to use, for example
c:\windows\system 32/shell32.dll,74(If you have ".ico" icon packs,you can give the direction to that folder.Use '/' then 'icon name'

To change Drive Label:
Do step one and two

Under DriveIcons create a new Key with the drive letter ( for example C ), within drive letter create a new key and name “DefaultLabel”.
Give the Default Value, the label you want. For example Windows.

Close Registry Editor and reboot your Computer
Note: editing the registry may damage your system. Please create a restore points before any changes.

08 January 2008

Increase The Speed of Adobe Reader 8

For Adobe reader8, You can speed it up by cutting the files in the folder "Plug_ins" and paste in the folder "Optional" near to "plug_ins".
It is situated in
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader

Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader
in the installed direction.

As a pricaution you must copy the folder "Plug_ins" before the operation...

07 January 2008

How to remove Access Denied

To Remove Access Denied for Drives,We must remove Autoplay.You can remove it by entering gpedit.msc.
The program is awailable in this sight.
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