22 June 2008

Auto Shut down pc when wrong password is entered....

In windows XP, your Pc is not so secure even if password is arranged.Now you can keep your pc from password robbers.
If this system is activated, ur pc will shut down when wrong password is enterd..
To enable it, just follow these simple steps.......

1.Start-> Control Panel
2.Administrative tools->Local security policy
3.Double click on "Local policies" under "Security settings".Then single click on "Security options".
4.Double click on "Audit: Shut down system immediatly if unable to log security audits".
5.Select "Enable" & "OK" ->"Yes".

Now restart and Feel it............

05 June 2008

Find the IP: Address of a web page........

Every web site are having an IP. While entering a site, that name is calling its IP with the help of DNS (Domine Name Server) service.While installing DNS, we can give any name with any extention, where no other domine with the same name.Otherwise conflict occure.
For any server its IP will display by pinging.
1. Start->Run->cmd->Ok
2.ping www.dominename.extn
eg:ping www.sl100.blogspot.com.
3. Result=IP,followed by some test(send & receved ratio)
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