21 April 2009

You wnna find the invisibles in yahoo friends list??????

Hello guys, troubled of invisibles on Yahoo? Want to chat with persons who always signin as invisibles?
Thats the case with many of us, our friends are invisible and we aren’t able to chat with them. In this post, you’ll be learning to detect the invisibles!

There are two ways of doing it:
1. Yahoo Invisibility Detection sites
2. Using Yahoo’s Resources

1.Yahoo Invisibility Detection Sites:
I’ve found many sites which helps you to see which of your buddies are online Some of these sites are:
* Narubian.com (Provides a software too)
* YDetector.com
* Invisible-Scanner.com
* DetectInvisible.com
* YahooScan.net
* Invisible.ir

These site are very easy to use. Just enter the ID you want to trace and get the results.

2.Yahoo Resources
Here are some bunch of URLs that can be used to detect invisibles, just replace “[username]” with the username you want to detect :

1. http://mail.opi.yahoo.com/online?u=[username]&m=g&t=0 (Shows up a yellow smiley if the person is online and gray if the person is offline or invisible)
2. http://mail.opi.yahoo.com/online?u=[username]&m=g&t=1 (Shows up a button with “Online Now” or “Not Online”)
3. http://mail.opi.yahoo.com/online?u=[username]&m=g&t=2 (Shows an image with “I am Online send me a message” or “Not Online right now”)
4. http://mail.opi.yahoo.com/online?u=[username]&m=a&t=0 (Shows a text with “[username] is ONLINE or NOT ONLINE”
5. http://mail.opi.yahoo.com/online?u=[username]&m=a&t=1 (Shows “00” if person is offline and “01” if he is online)

Don’t forget to replace the text in blue colour in the URL with the YahooID you want to trace!Example: Take my YahooID “sethu_give” as an example, lets see the first URL: http://mail.opi.yahoo.com/online?u=[username]&m=g&t=0After the replacement it would appear as: http://mail.opi.yahoo.com/online?u=sethu_give&m=g&t=0
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